Peat 8ltr
peat moss works as a natural, organic soil conditioner & mulch. It breaks up heavy clay soils, improving drainage. It also adds body to light soils, retaining extra moisture and nutrients. Peat is a key ingredient when mixing your own potting mixes.
Great for growing Blueberries
peat moss works as a natural, organic soil conditioner & mulch. It breaks up heavy clay soils, improving drainage. It also adds body to light soils, retaining extra moisture and nutrients. Peat is a key ingredient when mixing your own potting mixes.
Great for growing Blueberries
peat moss works as a natural, organic soil conditioner & mulch. It breaks up heavy clay soils, improving drainage. It also adds body to light soils, retaining extra moisture and nutrients. Peat is a key ingredient when mixing your own potting mixes.
Great for growing Blueberries
Nature's own organic food reservoir
Ideal for preparing soil in flower and vegetable gardens, planting trees & shrubs, and enriching rose and ornamental beds
Very high capacity to retain water
A natural mulch, suppressing weeds and conserving water during dry spells
Adding peat is an easy way to increase the acidity (pH) of soil for acid-loving plants
Free of toxic substances, pests, diseases & weed seeds